Harken Furling Accessories

Carbo Furling Lead Block Assemblies

These strong, lightweight blocks feature free-rolling ball bearings to lead line aft for safe furling from the cockpit.

Blocks feature lightweight nylon-resin sideplates densely packed with long-glass fibers. Ball bearing sheave and sideplates UV stabilized with black additive for maximum protection.

The 7403 29 mm assembly allows furling line to travel outboard of the stanchion to keep the sidedeck clear. Block mounts with a strong four-screw clamp without removing the stanchion or lifelines. Use the 7401 40 mm block on the bow pulpit as an inboard lead. The 7402 cockpit ratchet block provides drag on the line when unfurling to control spooling so unit furls more easily. Both the 7401, 7402 have ball and socket bases to align blocks for smooth leads aft. The 7404 lead block kit provides a complete system for most boats.

Stanchion Mount Bases

The 061 stanchion mount bases accept Classic Small Boat swivel blocks.

Halyard Restrainers

Harken® offers two sizes of halyard restrainers. Each is a stainless steel bracket shaped to fit radiused spars. The Hardkote-anodized aluminum sheave is grooved for both wire and rope halyards and rides on Teflon®-impregnated epoxy bearings. Halyard restrainers should not be used unless required.