Harken System C Headboard & Captive Ball Cars

The one-piece solid aluminum construction is lightweight and strong. Cars and headboard plates are deep-saturation Hardkote anodized and Teflon® impregnated for durability. UV stabilized with black additive for maximum protection.

CB Cars

The free-rolling ball bearing cars let you hoist and reef the main quickly on all points of sail. The quick-release button lets you easily load and remove the mainsail. Stainless steel wire guides keep the balls captive when the car is off the track.

Web-On Headboard Plates

Aluminum web-on headboard plates are easy for sail makers to install. Plates have radiused edges to protect the sail and fit 1 in (25 mm) webbing strap. Holes threaded into plates accept 416 cheek blocks for leech line. Web-on plates are required for the 3867 System C CB headboard car.

  • Sold separately.